Sunday, October 4, 2009

A QuickTime movie I did in 2004

Now, this one has no sound at all..
I was just learning what I could do with iMovie in 2004.....
2009 now and still don't know what I am doing...

But I am having fun doing it..
This video was also done for Art Appreciation Night at the Middle School.

I have several others that I did this weekend where I updated the artwork for 2009.
It has the music of my nephew's group and my latest drawings. This QuickTime movie is 57 KB and all the new ones are smaller The problem is for some reason it gets thru the uploading step and during the processing stage, I get an Error where it can't be upload....

Now let me be FRANK about this! If I had friend who was knowledgeable about blog uploading and they knew how to get to my place, I would take them to lunch if they could show me how to do it.......


  1. The one with the wine had sound. I can't understand why the other one wouldn't.

  2. I was missing a step.... That is par for me....
    But I am having fun.....
